法國諾曼底管理學院(EM Normandie) 學士3+1學位學程

EM Normandie

  • Triple Accreditation: AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS
  • Ranked #75 in Europe by Financial Times 2017

Degree Program



60 ECTS(相當於本校30學分),得以取得本校及EM Normandie International Management學士學位



Open to

Students in all COM disciplines

Language of Institute


Language requirement

TOEIC 750, IELTS level 6.0; TOEFL iBT 79


The current amount of annual tuition and fees for year 3 bachelor in 2017-2018 is 7500 euros and the amount is subject to change in the future. Students are also responsible for paying the normal tuition fees and other compulsory fees required by NCHU.

Other Fees

Application fees, tuition, student service fees (a mandatory university fee that provides access to most student services on campus), health insurance, books and materials, and housing

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which track can students choose?
    International Business (English)
  • Will EMN help students with finding an internship position? If not, what assistance does EMN provide? What do I do if I can’t find an internship?
    At EMN we have a career center who provides support in finding an internship or a job. We will give assistance to our students in writing a CV, matching skills and strengths to employer needs. We also provide many varied opportunities for students to meet companies (forums, company presentations, recruitment sessions,etc.) These meetings are regularly set up with our partner companies (more than 5000) and Alumnis (more than 18500).
  • How much does it cost for a student to live in Le Havre? (not to include tuition)
  • Does EMN provide any scholarship to international students?
    There is no scholarship because there is a special price for students from NCHU  ( 10% discount of the tuition fee)

Do I have to pay extra tuition if I want to take French Language courses?
No, they won’t have to pay extra tuition if they want to take French class.