AACSB 國際認證
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. 中興大學管理學院碩士班核心能力檢核表_1070116
. 中興大學管理學院博士班核心能力檢核表_1070116
. 中興大學管理學院核心課程AOL會議表格
. AACSB 學習保證(雇主問卷)
. AACSB 學習保證(畢業生問卷)
. AACSB 學習保證(校友問卷)


ULG1. 全方位管理知識 Comprehensive Management Knowledge

ULO1. 學生能定義問題並能分析。

Students will show their ability to identify and analyze.

ULO2. 學生能理解管理知識並能概述所學之概念。

Students will demonstrate and the concepts in management knowledge.

ULG2. 國際觀  Global Awareness

ULO3. 學生理解全球潮流並尊重文化差異。

Students will understand global trend, and respect cultural differences.

ULG3. 企業倫理 Business Ethics

ULO4. 學生理解並遵循企業倫理,取能分析企業中的倫理問題。

Students will understand and follow business ethics, and demonstrate the ability to analyze ethical issues in business context.

ULG4. 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills

ULO5. 學生具備良好的寫作與口語溝通技巧。

Students will demonstrate effective writing and speaking skills.

ULO6. 學生具備協調整合的技巧。

Students will engage in cooperative and coordinating behaviors.


MLG1. 批判思考能力 Critical Thinking

MLO1. 學生具備定義、分析與評估問題的能力,且能收集有用的資訊並能從中學習。

Students will demonstrate their ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate. Further, they gather relevant and useful information and reflect on it.

MLG2. 全球視野 Global Awareness

MLO2. 學生理解全球經濟變化與產業潮流。

Students will demonstrate their understanding of global economic changes and the trend of industries.

MLG3. 社會責任感 Social Responsibilities

MLO3. 學生展現社會責任感。

Students will demonstrate their concerns and responsibilities toward the society.

MLG4. 創新與領導 Innovation and Leadership

MLO4. 學生能提出創新的想法與計畫。

Students will demonstrate innovative ideas and projects.

MLO5. 學生能透過協助他人展現自己的領導能力 。

Students will be committed to and capable of equipping themselves as well as team members to achieve their leadership potential.

MLG5. 自主解決問題能力 Independent Problem-Solving

MLO6. 學生能發掘、分析並解決問題。

Students will demonstrate the ability to explore, analyze, and solve problems.


DLG1. 科學方法 Scientific Methods

DLO1. 學生能掌握高階專業知識,並能在資格考通過紙筆測驗。

Students will master advanced knowledge in their area of specialization, and will have satisfied the breadth of knowledge requirement before admitting to candidacy.

DLG2. 定義問題 Identifying Problems

DLO2. 學生能定義現代管理問題、應用所學知識,並運用適當的資訊。

Students will identify contemporary managerial problems, apply the previous knowledge, and use proper information.

DLG3. 推演假說與實證分析 Developing Hypothesis and Empirical Analysis

DLO3. 學生能掌握專業領域之研究工具(理論、研究方法與技巧),並能撰寫及出版論文。

Students will understand the research tools (theory, methodology and techniques inherent to their area of specialization), and produce and publish research.

DLO4. 學生能掌握所學專業知識並有良好的書面與口語溝通技巧。

Students will effectively communicate information of their area of specialization verbally and writing.

DLG4. 鑽研理論與創新知識

Exploring Theories and Innovating Knowledge

DLO5. 學生能鑽研理論並具備系統性的視野,且能整合不同的觀點。

Students will explore theories and possess a systematic vision and integrate various perspectives.

DLO6. 針對管理議題,學生能提供創新且有創意的想法。

Students will provide innovative and creative reflections to the managerial studies and issues.